Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

OK movie, the movie wasn't as good as the first, it was a pretty wrapper with little substance. the movie had great visual effects, but that was where they poured all there effort when they should have focus on the story. Would love to see a hell boy 3 they still left the story open for more.


Pomaikai said...

I agree the story needed some work. I still enjoyed it though, Hellboy is just a great character.


Anonymous said...

Hellboy is dependably fun; for sure that director has an amazing imagination, reminded me alot of his work in Pan's Labyrinth

Movie Watcher said...

you're right in that the director has an amazing imagination but Pan's Labyrinth is like a fair tail adventure but Hell Boy is a action movie so I need a little more action and the story wasn't that strong.

I like the "dependably fun" which I think you really means OK but sounds better.

Anonymous said...

we love "Hellboy 2: The Golden Army"

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