Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Really good movie, I must admit, I was a little scared and It takes a lot to scary me. Its surprising how scary it was, I mean the whole movie took place in a elevator. Goes to show you a good plot goes a long way. I'm not going to write about this movie in details because it was nice following the story. So, go watch thumbs up.


Karen said...

M. Night is a good director but he alters a lot of things which makes the movie confusing - especially The Last Airbender.

Movie Watcher said...

the last air bender just sucked,but you're right he is a good director

William said...

I just love this movie and if you want to watch devil online then you can visit this link as well.

movie downloads said...

The strength of the film lies in Shyamalan's story, which is deceptively simple, yet highly effective in weaving all the plot threads together, and the linking up of the characters so crucial in providing a satisfying finale. Thanks for blog.