Sunday, April 18, 2010


Kick-Ass sucked ass for the first half. but as I kept watching it got better then I ended up liking it. The movie is about a kid that wondered way their was no super heroes. So he decided to give it a try, with no training and a 95 pound when wet build. His first try didn't go so well to say the least. But on his second try he end up on you tube for his vigilantism. Where actual superhero (vigilantes) which ever took a liking to him. They decide to give him a little help and it goes on from their. Stick in through the first half it's worth it, thumb up.


The Moviecapper said...

Disagree about the 1st half sucking, but agree the movie gets a thumbs up. Loved this movie. Here's my personal review. Some explicit language.

The Moviecapper said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. You mentioned that you thought the scene where Nicolas Cage shoots his daughter in the chest was unrealistic. Ok, I'll give you that. Good point. But for me that was one of the things that made the movie. I couldn't stop laughing at that! Everything Hit-Girl did was pretty much totally far-fetched, but it sure entertained me like crazy.

annabelle said...

Kick Ass is interesting new released movie . I like the efforts of 12 years old girl. She is really amazing in the movie .

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree about the first half comment. I thought the movie was great and followed along nicely with the comic. Almost to closely to the comic. Hit Girl was bad ass and I'm looking forward to the sequel.

David said...
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