Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Final Destination

Sucked, they didn't have a plot beside copying the first movie. Pretty much a crappy remake of of the second.Just like how The Departed was a bad version of Infernal Affairs(chinese film). Final Destination is a bad version of Final Destination. Their no twist are surprise ending. It's like watch Spike TV 1000 ways to die, but far less entertaining. thumbs down


Christian said...

I quite agree, it was not up to most viewers' expectations. There better not be another one coming.

Unknown said...

Some what I found this movie good and I rate it 9/10.. It sarify my expectation of the movie.

New Movie Releases

free movie said...

I agree with your view. It was a crap and a total waste of money and time watching this movie. I also didn't liked it all.